Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Final Assessment 

Katelyn's Backyard is neither a dry or a wet landscape, but somewhere in the middle. I would consider my backyard to be a Mountain Landscape. I mainly think this because a Mountain Landscape is caused by tectonic plates that push against each other, pushing the land up.

My landscape has all kinds of soils, rocks, plants, and clouds formations. As a review from my previous blogs, some of the soils are granular, crumb, and different horizons of soils. The granular soil shows us that our landscape is moist in areas, and allows water into the soil. Mainly from rain and melting snow. The crumb soil shows us a more dry part of our backyard, an area of land that does not let in moisture quite as easy. As in one of my previous blogs here is what those soils look like below:

My backyard rocks contain Igneous, Metapmorphic, and Sedamentary. Igneous rocks are formed from solidification of molten rock material.
Such as:

Metamorphic rocks are rocks that are formed by heat, pressure, or chemical processes. These rocks combine when these factors affect them.
For example:

Lastly, Sedimentary rocks are formed from the accumulation of other sediments. A lot of these rocks are formed from different small and large pieces, their patterns looks inconsistent because of this.
For example:

Some of the clouds i often see in my backyard are Cirrocumulus, Cumulus, Cirrostratus.
Cirrocumulus clouds are some of the high clouds and look like pieces are missing from them, these mainly appear in cold weather days.

Cumulus clouds are soft and puffy looking. These are common clouds on nice days and do not produce any moisture.

Cirrostratus clouds look kind of see through, they happen when warm weather is coming and then perception after that.

With all this gathered information i conclude that my backyard is a mountain landscape. I think that in 10,000 years my backyard will look much different. Mainly because when walking on our ditch bank, there is a cement wall right before the train tracks that has began to separate. Below is a picture of that cement separating.

This leads me to believe that over the years it will separate more and more until eventually it is no longer intact, separating the land all together. Or even making the land all overlap until it becomes one.

In 1,000,000 years, considering the land is still separating like i see today, i think that the area will slowly begin to flatten out. And the hill that is in my backyard now will begin to shrink, and be less then half of what it is now.

In 100,000,000 years this land will be completely flat. The train tracks will not longer be there and the hill that once was the ditch bank in Katelyn's backyard will be gone. The river running through the ditch bank will flow over the flat land and eventually disappear because it will have no indent in the land to flow through.